Principal Research Associate with the Malaria Epidemiology Group.
Rachael M Burke
Infectious Disease and General (Internal) Medicine registrar.
Titus Divala
Physician and clinical researcher focused on managing infectious diseases.
Marius Gilbert
FNRS Senior Research associate and leads the Spatial epidemiology Lab.
Wafaa M. El-Sadr
Founder and director of ICAP and an international expert in epidemiology.
Jean B Nachega
Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh.
Peter MacPherson
Researcher on interventions for improved detection and access to HIV/TB treatment.
Elizabeth L Corbett
Clinical Epidemiologist - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
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How should Africa, with its fragile healthcare systems and large informal economies tailor global strategies for fighting Covid-19 to ensure they are feasible and effective locally? African policymakers and health agencies need evidence-based insights with strong local context to make informed decisions. Outbreak.AFRICA seeks to help by giving actionable data and expert insights.
This Code for Africa initiative was made possible with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.